Energy efficiency

‘A’ rating for energy efficiency & environmental impact

We are delighted to have received news that one of our latest projects to undergo it’s As-Designed SAP Assessment has achieved an A rating in both energy efficiency and environmental impact. This is a testament to our clients ambitions and the PMA focus, design and technical skills; harmonising quality design with high performance.

Energy efficiency is front and centre as part of all of our design and construction projects. It is no longer a luxury, it

Benefits of energy efficient buildings

Cost savings

Lower energy bills can be significant, and ongoing maintenance too, year in, year out. Initial thought, planning and investment will reap rewards.

Reduced environmental impact through low emissions
Buildings incorporating energy efficient features use clean energy, with lower greenhouse gas emissions.


Quality building design, incorporating chosen mechanical systems combine for the most comfortable and efficient inside temperature.


Discerning buyers recognise the all-round importance and value of energy efficiencies. So when looking for a property to buy energy efficiency is increasingly high on their list of considerations and indeed priorities; a trend likely to increase in importance. Similarly, tenants are more likely to rent an energy efficient home.

New build
A rating for energy efficiency & environmental impact

PMA’s Dan Huxtable explained “What makes this rating even more special is comparing it to the wider picture. In 2023, the office for national statistics found that the median energy efficiency rating of homes within England and Wales was Band D, scoring 68 & 66 respectively. Whilst this statistic is inclusive of all homes with a SAP rating within England and Wales, the SAP rating of homes built after 2011 only rises to a median score of 84 (Band B) – 20 points below what our designed home achieved!”