Tag / Cornwall

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  • Michaela Eaves RIBA architect

    PMA welcomes a new ARB/RIBA registered architect to the team

    Lead architect Perry Mears is delighted to welcome Michaela Eaves as a ARB/RIBA registered architect to PMA . “Michaela is a great addition to our architectural team, bringing fresh perspectives and considerable specialist expertise. PMA’s team approach ensures full use of our varied expertise and skills, particularly valable through the various stages of design and…

  • Materplan

    A strategic estate masterplan is the key first step

    A strategic masterplan for larger property holdings offers real value to owners of estates, farms and commercial portfolios. Specialist experience and expertise  within the diverse PMA team enables us to present an overview of larger land and building ownership, leading to the development of  longer-term strategies. Aims and aspirations vary; it may include personal requirements…

  • Cornwall Homes Planning Permission Architect

    Cornwall homes planning permission

    More success for Cornwall homes planning permission approvals. Having successfully gained planning permission for a new dwelling on part of a former market garden site in 2021, we were pleased to be invited to act for the same landowner to seek consent for an additional two dwellings on the site in 2022. As always, our…

  • Concept design

    Demolish and replace

    “Our clients’ words `demolish and replace`! Look at the site, not the existing property’ with an inspiring project brief are precisely why I chose to be an architect” says Max Pountney, Design Manager with Peregrine Mears Architects, as he passionately talks through one of his latest commissions, in fabulous Cornwall. Our clients presented us with…

  • North Devon architect

    “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”

    OK, we’ve borrowed those words from Benjamin Franklin, we don’t profess to be wordsmiths, able to craft relevant memorable quotes. But, as a North Devon architect we do recognise how important his words are. Too often we have been asked half-way through a project to help. This is never the best or most cost-effective way…

  • Class Q Permitted Development

    An Introduction to Class Q Permitted Development

    Development of a home in the countryside is for many a mere dream. For some it is a challenge; Class Q permitted development can make it a challenge which can be overcome, and those dreams realised. Class Q appeared in 2013 which, subject to compliance with various regulations allows some agricultural buildings to be used…

  • Treehouse

    Devon quality eco staycation project

    Recent research by Barclays Mortgages has revealed that the south west is the clear winner when people were asked where they wanted to live, with most wishing to move from London and the midlands. In truth, to those already living in the west country this comes as no surprise. The natural beauty of the Devon…

  • Building Project

    5 things to consider when planning your project

    Your project is probably the culmination of much thought, perhaps over years. Now you’re now about to realise your dream. Peregrine Mears Architects work closely with clients to consider these things and more, helping you to realise your dream, hopefully exceeding expectations.

  • And then Mr Wright came along!

    As architects we strive to inspire. There’s no Standard Operating Procedure or RIBA module as part of our qualification but this is often the edge. Practice Director Peregrine Mears reflects on his architectural inspirations. There are many; the first was Mr Wright. Frank Lloyd Wright.