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  • Commercial to residential

    Commercial property to residential use

    Whatever the ‘new norm’ brings, it is clear that our town centres are changing. Nowhere is immune to the influence and impact of the trend for out-of-town retail and leisure developments, the growth of online shopping and the ubiquitous digital environment; Covid19 is leaving its scars too. So the key is often changing commercial property…

  • Budgeting

    Budgeting is the key to success

    An architect will managing your budgeting Enthusiasm and excitement will be strong, driving your project to build a new individual dream home. However, it is essential that this does not distract your focus and respect for your finances. A budgeting must be based on realistic costs, not guesses or comments from well-meaning friends. Construction costs…

  • North Devon architect

    “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”

    OK, we’ve borrowed those words from Benjamin Franklin, we don’t profess to be wordsmiths, able to craft relevant memorable quotes. But, as a North Devon architect we do recognise how important his words are. Too often we have been asked half-way through a project to help. This is never the best or most cost-effective way…

  • Class Q Permitted Development

    An Introduction to Class Q Permitted Development

    Development of a home in the countryside is for many a mere dream. For some it is a challenge; Class Q permitted development can make it a challenge which can be overcome, and those dreams realised. Class Q appeared in 2013 which, subject to compliance with various regulations allows some agricultural buildings to be used…

  • Self-build architect Barnstaple

    Planning your self-build project

    A self-build architect in Barnstaple is invaluable when starting to plan your self-build project is exciting and perhaps daunting. Here are a few pointers but appointing an architect to your team will ensure you have the right advice through the design, planning and build stages of your development. A few initial considerations. 1 Clarify your thoughts. Your…

  • Garden building plot

    Is there treasure in your garden?

    Do you have a building plot? Finding the right individual building plot is rarely easy and never without challenges. However, sometimes an opportunity is right in front of you, in plain sight. Perhaps your present home is on a generous plot; is there potential to create your own building plot for your new home? “There’s…

  • pre-purchase architectural advice

    Providing pre-purchase architectural advice

    The west country is firmly in the spotlight as the exceedingly hot property market shows little signs of cooling. Undoubtedly the sellers’ hold the best cards. Building a fine individual home on an exceptional plot is a dream for many and for those who realise it, a life-changing project. For some this may be on…

  • EVC

    The New Norm. EVC and solar PV, at home!

    As part of their push for the UK to reach carbon net zero, the Government has recently announced that legislation will be introduced in 2022 requiring all new homes to have electric vehicle charging points; new commercial and public buildings too. This initiative should see approaching 150,000 extra electric vehicle charging (EVC) points added, each…

  • Passivhaus

    Why we should all be building to the passivhaus standard?

    When planning a new home naturally people’s initial focus is often on the site, what it might it look like and rooms. Discerning clients, particularly self-builders, are looking further ahead for environmentally low-impact design. This considers the carbon footprint, energy use and protection from escalating running costs. Thus Passivhaus. However, there is so much more…