Village Development in rural Devon

Peregrine Mears Architects PMA have successfully obtained planning consent for a distinctive project consisting of 16 no. dwellings on greenfield site for private developer in a highly popular village location.  Our task was to redesign a scheme to achieve more imaginative, higher value house types and on an efficient, viable and desirable layout.

Images by Panoptic

A key design constraint were the listed almshouses situated opposite the site, from which we took inspiration to developed a range of 4 house types. Our designs include traditional external features like gables, chimneys, porches and mullioned windows, reflecting style and quality. We combined this with contemporary spaces and family friendly layouts – the results are distinctive, with real appeal.

The site layout allowed the maximum number of dwellings to benefit from the attractive river views to the south and west, whilst creating a sense of exclusivity. At the same time the layout now allows for further potential development phases on adjoining parcels of land.