Tag / planning

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  • Looking to develop land? Talk with PMA

    Land development. Development is often the way to maximise land value; so how best can this be achieved? Working with an specialist architect can help you assess and optimise opportunities. With years of experience of residential development, the Peregrine Mears Architects PMA architectural team are experts, as professional architectural advisers, with unusually valuable developer client-side…

  • Class Q fallback position

    Does Class Q give the best outcome for barns?

    Current legislation provides a unique opportunity to convert qualifying existing agricultural structures, commonly referred to as Class Q, into residential units. Having Class Q permitted development approval, are there further opportunities? Yes, potentially under the fallback position. You can possibly unlock the potential of your underutilised or redundant agricultural buildings if the building qualifies under…

  • Agricultural Tied Dwellings Don’t Need to be Boring!

    A new rural home. How exciting! The countryside of the West Country and far beyond has many examples of agricultural tied dwellings. In the past these have typically been very ordinary looking bungalows – ironically not a traditional rural building form at all. As always, we seek to challenge that pre-conception and wonder what could…